Sunday, July 8, 2012

FEED accurate dispensing


1. Decoy duck eggsIngredients:4 duck eggs 1 packet of instant noodles3 tablespoons of pellets ¼ kg tuna2 ounces of cheese, 1 sachet of powdered milkSweet Potato Essen pandan leaves to tasteHow to make:Instant noodles and the pellet was crushed into a powder. Boiled duck eggs to mature and take the egg yolk alone. Shredded cheese until smooth. Sweet potato and steamed until tender tuna do not forget the discarded skin and bones. After all ingredients are ready, mix all these ingredients in one container. Then stir in the milk and essen, mixed with water when needed. Now you are ready to use bait.
2. Bait Chicken EggsIngredients:5 eggs½ kg of glutinous rice flourA few strands of pandan leafPellets to tasteHow to make:Destroy 5 eggs and stir it until dissolved (not too frothy), add a little water that is not too thick, glutinous rice flour and then input into the beaten eggs. The next batter was so wrapped with pandan leaves and steamed until cooked. Now your bait is ready to use for fishing, both for galatama and in the pool daily.

3. Yellow BaitIngredients:5 sweet corn cob duck egg 5 egg(Not young not old)Kraft cheese 1/4 sticks with cashew nuts 1/4 ounceCoconut 1/4 grains condensed milk 1/4 cansEnough vanilla 2 pieces of pandan leaf1 small sweet potatoes 1 can of TunaKroto to tasteProcessing Method:All materials such as sweet corn, cheese and kraft shredded coconut first. As for the fried cashews first and then crushed into powder, and a duck egg yolk is taken alone.When all ingredients are ready, mix corn with egg yolks, grated cheese, cashew nuts, condensed milk, vanilla, lemon and coconut pandan leaves are pressed without the use of water.The ingredients that have blended stirring until blended, then put in a plastic bag sized ½ kg.Dough tightly in plastic tied at the ends to form the dough into a flat, flat in mematangkannya. Two plastic coupled to the steaming is not broken. The next batter is steamed for 3-4 hours. Before cooking, pandan leaves over 10 cm should be included in each bag.To get the average in the steaming dough should be removed after 1.5 hours, then pressed flat and cooked up back in the inverted position.After 3-4 hours, dough bait will be colored yellow, ripe and flat-shaped, not too loud or soft.Yellow bait ready mixed with 1 piece of boiled sweet potatoes and stir to mix until blended. After all the flat, put a can of tuna to mix until blended.Enter Kroto taste to the batter, stirring until blended.This yellow bait recipe can last up to 1 week. Good luck!!
4. Super White baitIngredients:3 sachets of milk Katulampa Dancow6 eggs 1 pack of bait country so Mr Ikin1 can Deho 1 pandan leaf2-3 ounces KrotoHow to make:Stir all above ingredients except Deho. Mixture or dough is steamed for 15-20 minutes. Once cool, ready to use bait. However, before use, mix the first Deho with moderation (balanced).

5. Bait durian three eyesIngredients:Durian three eyes (seed)200 g brown sugarSweet potatoSago 200 grHow to make:Separate the flesh from the durian seeds. Grate sweet potatoes to form like flour.Boil 200 ml water, after it entered into the brown sugar mix until melted. After that enter the flesh durian durian stir until completely mixed with the sugar solution.Furthermore, to thicken feeds add grated sweet potato and sago.Stir until blended, ready to use bait durian.

6. Bait Cow MilkIngredients:10 sweet corn cobs butitr 4 duck eggs1/2 liter of pure cow's milk. 1/4 coconut medium.1/2 pounds yellow potatoes 1/2 blocks of Kraft cheese 1/2 tablespoon butter WeijmansOther Ingredients:2 black wet tail banding 1 Kg of fresh white KrotoHow to make:Finely ground corn and coconut. Yellow yam steamed and shredded. Shredded cheese. Cow's milk is cooked over low heat, stirring constantly to live up to 6 tablespoons. Duck eggs (5 egg yolk mix and 3 only) was stirred with a mixer at high speed. Corn, coconut, sweet potatoes, cheese, milk, and butter mixed into the egg mixture, stirring constantly at high speed. Bait ready for use. Note: If you would wear in the morning fishing, the bait must be made at night and be ready just before the morning.How to wear: white Kroto as much as 1/2 steamed and then mixed with pellet. Use it as a bomb. Kroto steamed in order to be drowned. As always, before hanging the bait must be mixed again with Kroto on the outside. If the goldfish in the pond was like bait fishy, ​​but Kroto, the dough should be mixed again with milkfish meat that had been steamed and polished. Milkfish meat can be mixed directly into the dough or just on the outside.

7. Corn baitIngredients:Cob corn 10 1/3 block of Kraft cheese1/2 ounce taste of cassava Roombutter Weijmans1/4 young coconuts 2 ounces Kroto (Kroto rice)1 egg yolk duck egg (may not be used)How to make:Maize, cassava, coconut and grated cheese mixed with the remaining ingredients and mix evenly. The dough is wrapped tightly with aluminum foil. Steamed for 2 hours over low heat, water should be boiling when the batter is incorporated. Kroto is mixed as bait will be used.

8. Pure Milk baitIngredients:1/4 kg sweet baby yellow slurry of 50 grams of banana flavor Cerelac3 tail eel 5 sweet corn cobs1/4 pack of Kraft cheese 2 eggs (yellow part only)Whole milk 50 grams butter to taste1 can tuna 2 ounces KrotoHow to make:Sweet potatoes, sweet corn and grated eel steamed separately. For the half-ripe corn steamed. Grate potatoes and cheese, mashed tuna and eel meat. Combine all the above ingredients and mix until blended. To Kroto mixed as bait will be used.

9. Bait Instant NoodlesIngredients:1 pack of chicken curry Indomie2 eggs 1 tablespoon chicken roombutter Weijmans1 tablespoon full of baby cereal rice Nutrisia Kraft cheese 1 sheet1 tablespoon powdered milk 1 teaspoon Infamil Cerelac baby rice porridgeHow to make:Indomie blender until smooth and stir in the beaten egg yolks. Roombutter heated to melt. Into it and then put grated cheese and stir. Continued warming over low heat. Other materials and then mixed. During the stirring, the fire must be kept small so that the batter does not burn. Once the color is slightly yellow, baby cereal rice Nutrisia inserted and stirred again. The dough is cooled before being put into the cans to be stored. Cerelac hardener serves to feed. When used as bait too soft (crumbly), Cerelac flour can be added again. Feed should be mixed before use with Kroto flat taste.

10. Cashew baitIngredients:2 cobs of sweet corn (sweetcorn) Young 0.5 teaspoons granulated sugar1.5 ounces of sweet potatoes 2 ounces sweet cashews1 ounce 1 ounce of peanuts cassava0.5 ounces of Kraft cheese 0.5 tablespoons of salt2 egg yolks butter chicken to tasteHow to make:Cashew nuts and peanuts fried in butter, once cooked they then blend until completely smooth. Baby corn, sweet potato and cassava peeled and shredded cheese until smooth kraft as well mashed, mixed together with other ingredients, then wrapped, steamed over high heat until cooked. When used, it must be mixed corn bait used by Kroto or eel meat.Part II

11. Cashew Bait IIIngredients:150 grams of sweet potato fries 50 grams of peanuts50 grams of cashew nuts fried salt 1.5 tablespoons finely100 grams of cassava 2 chicken egg yolk2 cobs of sweet corn 1.5 tablespoons of sugar50 grams of cheeseHow to make:Steam the sweet potato, cassava, and sweet corn until half cooked. Grate the cheese and stir together egg yolks. Minced peanuts and cashews in a blender, until smooth. Add sweet potato, cassava, corn that has been steamed, mixed cheese, egg yolks, salt, and sugar. Blend again until smooth and evenly mixed. Which has been blended dough steamed on a banana leaf lined cake pan about 30 minutes. Combine Kroto during use.

12. Noodles and Pellet baitIngredients:1 packet of instant noodles 1 ounce of powdered full cream milk1 tablespoon duck pellets 2 eggs (raw or salted)2 ounces shredded coconut 1 ounce of cheese2 ounces of white or yellow sweet potatoes 2 ounces Kroto2 drops of Esen jackfruit 2 ounces fresh or processed tunaHow to make:Instant noodles and pellets made into flour, grated coconut and coconut milk is made to boil the oil out.Sweet potatoes are peeled and washed and steamed until cooked.Swordfish washed and steamed until cooked. The skin and spines of fish discarded and fish stew fried in coconut oil.Raw duck eggs boiled until cooked and the yolk is taken.Shredded cheese.All material mixture is stirred or mashed with milk and Esen until it is - really smooth and well mixed.Kroto is brewed with boiling water. dirt and ants are still there and then disposed of with a little wrung drained. Kroto is mixed with the feed at the start of fishing.

13. Typical corn bait tombroIngredients:Young corn fruit 11-13Fish Tombro / Mas a black tailMilk powder 2 tbspCheese sticks for a matchbox20 cashew seeds2 eggs duck eggsHow to make:Corn from the cob Pereteli and blend until smooth.Taken carp meat and blend until smooth.Both materials are mixed and combined with all the existing materials.Furthermore all the ingredients blend again until completely smooth.Pour the batter into the pan, then put in the oven.Heat at a temperature around 80 degrees Celsius in the early minutes and lower the temperature when the mixture begins to expand.After a really fluffy (do not there is a raw middle section), remove the dough and chill. Split according to taste.If you want charity, for-for a friend on your right and left side, because the bait is used quite a lot if only one person.Unless you go menggado caddies "cake" is. Good luck!!.

14. Tuna baitIngredients:3-4 fresh tuna fish tail10 fish eel2 pieces of pandan leafMedium coconut 1/3 grain1 liter of pure cow milk¾ tablespoon of butter WeijmansMocca Essen and garlic to tastePasta tasteHow to make:Take the tuna and separate from the thorns in it.Eel cut into small pieces about the size of 3-4 cm.Enter the last two ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.Next pandan leaves, coconut, milk and butter are mixed in a blender. Once smooth, mix all the ingredients into the blender except the essen.Stir until blended and smooth.Once refined, can be directly mixed with essen da pasta or brought to the pond and pond edge when it's mixed.Good luck!

15. Swallow the baitIngredients:5-10 grams of bird's nestSago to taste5-6 teaspoons of milk powderThe roots of the banana tree 10 rods / strandsIakn salem 2 tailsPellets to tasteHow to make:Washed and steamed salmon until meat is tender.Then separated from the spines of fish flesh and mash with a pestle and mortar slowly.Pisdang bird nests and roots boiled in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.Enter the powdered milk into the cooking water birds nest and mix well.When the dough is firm, remove the salmon flesh and mix into the batter earlier. Mix the pellets with little to unify the meat batter.Bait is now ready to use and be prepared now awaiting the victory.

16. Bait PotatoesIngredients:Potatoes as much as 3 pointsChicken egg 2 eggsJackfruit paste to tasteTuna Oil to tasteHow to make:First of all potatoes peeled and boiled with hot water until tender. Then the chicken egg yolk is taken alone. Once the potatoes are cooked and cold, mash (crushed) until smooth, then mixed with egg yolks and stir until blended.When are average. Enter the pasta to taste followed by tuna oil to taste as well.After it was stirred again until blended. That must be considered, we must know exactly the right dose in order to remain supple dough so easy to stick in the eye of the hook.But if I do not, you can mix a little pellet to make a concoction of chewy and not easily destroyed.Now you are ready to use bait.

17. WHITE OUT FEEDMaterials1 ¼ pounds of fruit Tofu Cashew Nuts1 sachet Milk Powder 4 packs Kinoy5 pieces 1 piece White Duck Egg Duck Egg complete1 Canned Tuna Deho 5 pieces of Pandan LeavesKroto to tasteHow to make:Know the great and sometimes cashew paste, Tuna Deho discarded water and mashed, combine all ingredients and then inserted into plastic bags, Steam for ½ hour. When the fishing mix Kroto

18. Oranges baitIngredients:½ orange seeds (sweet)2 pandan leavesSweet potatoes 2 eggs4 tablespoons sago2 BKS pellet200cc waterHow to Make:Boiled sweet potatoes until done and mix with fruit juice and blend until smooth. Furthermore sago boiled with water and pandan leaves inserted therein.After that, enter the blenderan and stirred until smooth. Next remove and let cool. Pandan leaves discarded. Now you are ready to use bait by mixing it with a pellet. Good luck!

19. Shrimp bait300 grams of black tiger shrimp2 pieces of pandan leaf5 tbsp Sago200 g PelletTuna oil to tasteHow to make:Discard the prawn heads. Boil shrimp that had been cleared by mixing the pandan leaves during the boiling process. Once cooked, marked by the reddish color of the shrimp, drain the shrimp dry. Then mash until smooth shrimp meat (try to keep it a little rough). Next used water boiled shrimp reheated and used to boil the sago. When the sago began to melt, put the shrimp into it and stir until evenly distributed.By the time you want to use, drop tuna oil to taste and add the pellets to serve as ballast.

20. Amis bait CilandakIngredients:2 young sweet corn cob 2 eggs duck1 pack of duck eggs 1 packet of instant noodles¼ ½ kg of pellets wrapped tuna½ ounce of cheese ½ ounces of milk powderpandan leaf essenHow to make:Corn boiled and shredded. Instant noodles and the pellet was crushed into a powder. Diodok until cooked duck egg and egg yolk are taken. Shredded cheese until smooth. Sweet Potato and tuna steamed until soft, do not forget the discarded skin and bones. After all ingredients are ready, mix all these ingredients in one container. Add enough water and blended into a fine. Next mix the milk and essen.Bait ready pitted!Part III

21. Bait BlenderMaterialsCorn seed Youth 10-15 1 tuna fish4 tablespoons of powdered milk Cheese Sticks (box of matches)Seeds 20 cashew nuts 1 tablespoon of fish oilDuck egg yolks 2 eggsHow to make:Corn from the cob and peeled blender until smooth. Also tuna meat only and blend until smooth. Both ingredients are mixed and combined with all the existing materials. Furthermore all the ingredients blend again until completely smooth.After wrapping, the batter is steamed until soft and fluffy. (+ 10-15 minutes)After a really fluffy (do not let raw in the middle), lift the dough and chill. (Please note, in this steaming process, try not too long, because it will make the dough tough. But do not be appointed well before cooked).Now the dough is ready for use.

22. Pellet baitIngredients:1 packet Pellets Cob 2 pandan leaves1 packet kinoy 50 gr / pack of stimulantCob 50 ounces of fish wrap ½ pack ikinKroto taste.How to make:Pandan leaves soaked in hot waterTuna meat and blend until smooth.All the ingredients are mixed and stirred until it forms a dough.After wrapping grab water and pandan leaves cob mix meat that has been blended, then input into the finished batter, then stir until smooth.Ready-made batter mix together Kroto ikin fresh pack to prevent sticking, and easily handled and easily formed.Dough bait pellets cob pandan aroma is now ready for use.

23. Bait PasteIngredients:1 egg duck egg (yolk only)1 packet of paste Cirebon3 boiled potatoesMackerel fish taste that has been boiledHow to make:Mackerel boiled then blend. Then mixed into all of these ingredients and stir until smooth, then the bait is ready pitted.

24. Sweet baitsIngredients:3 sweet potatoes, sweet fruit1 can of Tuna (Tuna in oil) 2 packs of red pellets2 packs of cheese Snack Chiki 1 bottle of fish oil (Scott's Emultion White)How to make:Steam the sweet potatoes, grated and mashed. Squeeze Chiki Snack until destroyed, mix with the dough mix again until blended. Canned tuna is opened only pour oil add a little water poured back into the dough (meat fish can be used to feed the other). Enter the pellets and Scott's fish oil, stirring until evenly distributed.Combine meat Kroto or eel time to be used.

25. BISCUITS FEEDIngredients:1 packet of biscuits fresh Roma box1 sachet powdered milk3 Sweet fruit is yellow uk1 can of tuna were / SardinesHow to make:Yellow yam steamed and shredded, crushed crackers, Tuna / Sardine and mashed discarded marinade, mix all ingredients, at the time of going fishing Kroto added.

26. Bait "All day"Ingredients:1/4 kg sweet potato puree baby yellow 100 gram banana flavor Cerelac3 tail eel 5 sweet corn cobs1/4 pack of Kraft cheese 2 eggs (yolks only)Whole milk 50 grams butter to taste1 can tuna 2 ounces KrotoHow to make:Sweet potatoes, sweet corn and grated eel steamed separately. For the half-ripe corn steamed. Grate potatoes and cheese, mashed tuna and eel meat. Combine all the above ingredients and mix until blended. To Kroto mixed as bait will be used.

27. White bait u / dailyIngredients:3 BKS Katu Lampa4 grains of chicken egg (red only)1 can of tuna without brandBKS 4 small crystal VanillaWhite sweet tasteHow to make:Just take the egg yolk, then mix with the tuna without a brand. Next enter the vanilla and mix well. After the capture rate and made a bundle of pandan leaves and mix with the earlier material. Next we put the dough in plastic the size of ½ or 1 kg and steam for 30 minutes +.At the start steaming also include sweet potatoes and steamed simultaneously. But steaming sweet potatoes should be about 15-30 minutes longer than the dough for sweet potato is cooked through.Once everything is cooked and removed, put into one container. Next katulampa mix and stir until evenly distributed material. If it is not fused you can add a little hot water until you obtain the desired viscosity.

28. Green baitSammy Posts Lantu ( is a good bait used in ponds that watery green color and smellIngredients:Decoys 2 tablespoons milk 2 tablespoons Tombro powderKara coconut milk to taste 1 small boiled sweet which isRed fruit salt 1 egg 2 tablespoons hot waterKroto to taste 1 can of Tuna brands DehoHow to make:Grated boiled sweet potatoes, Tombro, milk powder, coconut milk and hot water Kara stirred into the batter and then enter the grated potatoes boiled and then mashed tuna that has been input into the plastic bag and steamed for 30 ~ 45 minutes, while fishing with Kroto mix.

29. FEED WANGIIngredients:2 ounces milk 2 sachets Kroto dencowsRed 5 egg duck egg 1 can of tuna fish (deho)2 packs KatulampaHow to make:Aja red duck eggs, milk dencow, tuna (crushed first), Kroto stirred together, after the completion of the input to the plastic and then steamed + / - 40 minutes. Special dish ready to serve, pengerasnya katulampa.

30. YELLOW FEED:Materials1 tuna (deho) essen blend of shrimp and seafood ratio 2: 1,use to taste2 packs of yellow yam steamed katulampa, given the hot water2ons Kroto, take the eggs ajah 2 duck egg yellow only takeHow To Make:It all ingredients stirred together, if tookinoy who love cristal soft tastesiasakan Kroto for dipulung2 before expressed,Part IV

31. OIL FEEDIngredients:5 seeds Corn 5 egg egg1/2 grains of Coconut 50 g fat goat2 pieces of tuna fish 1/2 blocks of cheeseHow to make:All the feedback I finished a blender, after completionI was broiled 3.5 hours (using the stove). In order to add more capabilities when used Kroto.

32. FEED SERUNDENG sardinesIngredients:1/2 servings of bait so the brand 99 (shop lot).2 eggs egg sauce (red aja)1 small pack of scented kinoy2 pieces of sardinesserundeng (who is rather young coconut in sangray) -> do not get angus low heat.Kroto taste.How to make:merek99 bait, kinoy, egg sauce (red aja) mix together, add the sardines after a new 2 pieces which have been mashed, mixed new serundeng (1.5 tablespoons), Kroto last new mix.

33. FRESH FISH FEEDIngredients:1-2 fresh sea fish tail (I tried tuna / mackerel / snapper), take the meat alone.Duck Eggs 4-5 seeds, take the yellow.2 pack / Sachet Milk white Dancow3-5 seed potato tubers, which may be yellow or white for the amplifier feedbackHow to make:- All the ingredients blended and steamed until cooked (steamed sweet potatoes unless separately)- Sweet potatoes mashed and mixed with dough that has been steamed- Bait ready for use.- Do not forget to pake Kroto.

34. CORN FEED butterIngredients:4 corn seeds (usually a lot on the market, who wrote jgn center in old age / youth)blue band margarine 2 tablespoons2 tablespoons tuna dehospeaker can pake kinoy pellets, pellets tombro2 duck egg raw red beans take its courseKrotoHow to make:- Siapin blender, potongin waste corn in its hump, enter corn ma blue band to blend in blender until smooth then.- Siapin for ngukus pan, steamed dough they will think "20 menitan.kalo already become diemin let cool. (Better make this dough malem).- Mix in steamed dough was already ma deho, egg, and the speaker until the flavor is quite not too soft, not too loud.- Live cocol ma Kroto.

35. EEL FEEDIngredients:eel + 1/2 KgPa 'Ikin 1 BKSDuck egg 1 btrKroto 1 ounce5 pieces of pandan leafcornstarch + 2 tbspHow to make:Then let mateng steamed eel dialusin. Stir pa 'ikin, alus eel, duck egg together cornstarch until blended. average if already enter Kroto sedikit2 while stirring. If already flat, pandan leaves in iket then crushed then mixed into the dough bait earlier. Steam the dough + 15 minutes. then if already mateng dough already be using that for fishing, (if you want mastiin, anglers may also nyobain bait ..... hehehhe). if flabbiness kinoy add the taste ..........

36. FEED HONEYIngredients:duck egg whites 2 btr wrotedeho a tin (softened), can be replaced salmon fish cuedencow milk 1 sachet1 ounce Kroto (egg-brewed once wrote a float disposed)kara coconut milk (1/2 small sachet / dependent) can be engga pakehoney to taste (can be engga pake)tourists (pake can be engga)amplifierHow to make:inserted beaten egg tuh hold all ingredients, boiled + / - 15 minutes inverted, if less fluffier deh already added hardener (katulampa / kinoy) again, but do not banyak2.

37. FEED CHEESEMaterials "Grate cheese,5 eggs,kara is a small size,Kroto 2 ounces,Kinoy,How to make:All material is mixed well and then enter in the kukusss pelastik after waiting 15 minutes. Inverted back up to the second side after mature mature and let stand until cool Then if / dijejek dah fine. Essen mackerel mixed with as much as 5-6 drops and baits ready to go ..

38. FEED MUJJURIngredients:1 knob of sweet cornchicken eggs 2 eggs (all of them, disposed sayang2 kl)cornstarch 2 sdk mknfull cream milk 5 sdk mkn Dancowblueband 2 sdk mknessen vanilla to tastepandan leaves 1 sheetpindang cob tasteHow to make:input all the ingredients into a blender, except the cob and pandan leaves, after a smooth entry into the heat-resistant plastic, which already input dibejek2 pandan leaves, steamed approximately 20 minutes, after mateng angin2in first then stir together tuna which has been crushed, if the speaker added softness bs katulampa, kinoy, ucrit, cuplis / Ciner.Kroto have pake ga ga kl krotonya really good, even ngerusak appetite of fish, it seems to me loh .... tp kl new krotonya nyengget may also tuch ...